Dirk Geschke
2006-05-11 12:27:17 UTC
(MySQL 4.x) did automatically a reconnect whereas this is disabled wit
the newer versions
But just for this reason I would choose another way to insert the alert
in the database, there are several solutions available and you will no
loose any alert during the database is rebooted. (And it is even bette
for the performance, the database access via the output plugin slows
down snort and you may miss some packets...
Best regard
Dirk Geschk
BTW: Are you living in world far away? Or why shows the email a date of
Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:37:20 +0100 and the email arrives here at a date o
Wed, 10 May 2006 23:44:00 +0200? Three weeks for delivery
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I have just upgraded my snort binary to 2.4.4, which is logging to a remot
Mysql Database
For patching reasons, the Mysql host is being rebooted every week and befor
the upgrade the snort binary would re-conenct to the DB without an
problems, once the box was back up and running
probably you changed the version of the MySQL database. The old behaviouMysql Database
For patching reasons, the Mysql host is being rebooted every week and befor
the upgrade the snort binary would re-conenct to the DB without an
problems, once the box was back up and running
(MySQL 4.x) did automatically a reconnect whereas this is disabled wit
the newer versions
But just for this reason I would choose another way to insert the alert
in the database, there are several solutions available and you will no
loose any alert during the database is rebooted. (And it is even bette
for the performance, the database access via the output plugin slows
down snort and you may miss some packets...
Best regard
Dirk Geschk
BTW: Are you living in world far away? Or why shows the email a date of
Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:37:20 +0100 and the email arrives here at a date o
Wed, 10 May 2006 23:44:00 +0200? Three weeks for delivery
Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security
Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easie
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